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View product information of Quick release system voor pony bottles
Pony bottle quick release system
The Pony Bottle Quick Release System establishes a very quick and easy connection between the pony cylinder and the main cylinder(s). Connect/unlock the cylinders just by a pressing the locking pin with your thumb. The pony holder plates are are equipped with rubber strips to provide a firm grip on the air cylinders. The light weight metal is coated with a sea water resistant layer.
This smart system consists of two parts:
- The first half of the system, the pony bottle holder, will be permanently attached to the pony cylinder.
- The second half of the system, the tank plate, is placed underneath the fastening tape of your dive set. It could also be permanently attached to your dive set using Stainless steel hose clips.
The Pony Bottle Quick Release System helps you prepare your dive equipment (at home), so when on location, it reduces the time to get into water significantly.
Quality and design
The Pony Bottle Quick Release System is an authentic Metalsub product en contains the following quality properties:
The sleek, rounded, minimalist design with low profile free of sharp edges ensures that underwater lines and nets do not easily catch on the fastening system. |
Technical specifications
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